
Loving life while coping with infertility

RESOURCES! August 26, 2008

Filed under: family,infertility,pregnancy,resources,support — summeramorris @ 8:46 pm

I have recently come across some on-line resources for infertility and I thought I would share them.  I really like these two because they have a variety of options to choose from and during each stage of your own experience of infertility and pregnancy.  I hope you find them useful! and and


Surround yourself with the best support August 25, 2008

Filed under: knowledge,resources,support,Uncategorized — summeramorris @ 5:03 pm

I was talking with a concerned parent at my work a while back and she mentioned to me this great video clip on you tube that illustrated the grand support that you can receive from a strong team.  I loved it of course just having had returned from Africa myself and it reminded me of the importance of having a loving, supportive and knowlegable team no matter what you may be struggling with in life.  Watch it and see what you think and then think about what kind of team you have behind you.  Listen for about four and a half minutes in where the guide pretty much gives up and says “it’s too late.”  It is never too late for anything – you’ll see…


Facing Our Own Giants August 14, 2008

Are you ready for some football?  Yes, football season has begun and therefore my world becomes very narrow focused and devoted to one thing thanks to my fabulous husband.  I enjoy it though and love the change in seasons too.  With that said, I was reminded of a video clip from about a year ago that teaches such a great concept about never quiting and examples of leadership. 

Some of my giants have been being not prioritizing appropriately or putting off what I know will be productive rather than moving forward in our fertility options.  It is been really easy for me to be working on my fertility practice yet I haven’t moved forward in my own experience the way that I believe I need to be right now.  This video clip is so inspiring to me because it helps me remember that we are capable of so much more than we believe.  Yet, it also teaches the importance of a team of loving people around you.

Face your giants and enjoy this clip! 


Walk the Walk August 12, 2008

Filed under: fears,infertility,resources,support,Uncategorized — summeramorris @ 2:02 pm

Okay, so lately I have been writing a lot about facing our fears.  I have been able to practice my own advice lately and have committed to the next step in this crazy world of infertility choices.  I am going to be doing a few more homeopathic options and also meeting with a new IVF doctor in the next few weeks.  I know there are many of you that need the support to help you in making your own decisions.  I hope you can find some of that here.  Walk the walk or talk the talk; that is my focus this week.  Follow through and overcome the obstacles that face you that best you can by seeking the best resources for your own unique situations.  Let me know that concerns and I will help you find them.  Without the help of others, I find it very difficult to get much accomplished.


Live by fear or live by faith? August 5, 2008

Filed under: coping,hope,infertility,support,Uncategorized — summeramorris @ 3:25 pm

I just met with a colleague of mine this morning and we were talking about how valuable people are and what our purposes and missions are in our individual areas of life and profession.  It was really a simplistic conversation about how we need to be reaching more people with our information and our passions in life.  I hope by now that those who visit this site regularly know how passionate I am about creating value for those that experience infertility in their own lives.  But I also hope that the things I post are helpful and inspiring messages for everyone to hear.  Some of my biggest fears are those that revolve around the protection of others and creating emotional safety in relationships.  I had to face one of those fears this morning and will hopefully be venturing into something this week that will allow me to do that better and more effectively.  I am often reminded that the opposite of fear is faith; faith in ourselves in particular.  I hope that each of you will face your fears this week.  First step in doing that is to label it.  Next, weigh the benefits and costs.  And lastly, jump in with both feet and face it!  I know this is a powerful principle in life and if we use it regularly, we will be much more successful in living our purpose and passion!